Directions to Art House 7
Art House 7 is located at:
5537 Langston Blvd., Arlington, Va. 22207
Phone number: 703-269-0946

Art House 7’s studios are on the right side of this building at 5537 Langston Blvd. (Lee Hwy.) in Arlington.
Our studio is within a complex of small businesses in Arlington near the Lee Harrison Shopping Center. As you travel west on Lee Highway, you’ll pass the shopping center, then the Starbucks. Turn into the drive immediately after the Starbucks. You’ll see a big Allstate sign on the front of the complex. As you drive around the right side of the building, AH7 is about two-thirds of the way down. You’ll see signs for our studio and our supply store. And parking is right there: 5537 Langston Blvd. (formerly Lee Hwy.).
If the door is open, come on in. If it’s locked, please knock. Thanks!
Contact Us
Let us know what you like about AH7, and what we could do better. If you’d like us to offer a particular class, please let us know that too. We appreciate your feedback!